Happy Healthy Caregiver

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You are a working family caregiver if you are managing a career or job on top of caring for your care recipient.

According to the Caregiving in the US report, 61% of the 53 million family caregivers in the US also work.

Podcast Episodes

Happy Healthy Caregiver Podcast, Episode 178: Paying for Long Term Care with Jason van den Brand

Paying for Long Term Care

Jason van den Brand managed end-of-life care for his grandmother and father for over eight years. This experience led him to start his own company, Wellahead, which helps families get matched with the best way to pay for long-term care. In this episode, we talk about how Jason managed care from a 3,000-mile distance, how his family paid for long-term care for his family members, why millions of dollars in veterans benefits for care goes unused, why you shouldn’t wait to use long-term care insurance, what to avoid when paying for care, how owning your a home provides long term care payment options for consideration, and how his family values posted in his office inform how he celebrates his successes.

Happy Healthy Caregiver Podcast, Episode 176: Remote and Long-Distance Caregiving with Paula Muller

Remote and Long-Distance Caregiving

Paula Muller helped care for her grandmother and has a lifelong passion for technology applied to healthcare. Paula grew up in Chile and was very close to her grandmother and remains close to her mother. Her passions for family and technology came together in her product that we learn about called CareLink360. In this episode we discuss the caregiver guilt that comes with living from a distance from those requiring care, ideas to create connection with verbal and non-verbal care recipients, methods to infuse joy and energy into life, and ways technology can be a part of a caregiver’s care team.

Happy Healthy Caregiver Podcast, Episode 174: Creative Care with Loretta Veney

Creative Care

Loretta Woodward Veney cared for her mom Doris, who lived with dementia, as well as for her aunt, sister, and husband. Loretta’s care experiences prompted her to write a few books, become a trained LEGO Serious Play facilitator, and inspire others through her speaking events and engaging workshops. In this episode, we talk about how creative play with Legos can help care partners connect and remain calm, why identifying those in your care village is critical to your success, the financial strains of caregiving and frustrations around the Medicaid Waiver process, how her faith community surrounded her with goodness after the loss of her husband, and why Loretta’s current self-care mantra is ‘stay and play’.

White Paper - Importance of Supporting Working Family Caregivers

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