In the past few years, I have discovered the wide wonderful world of podcasts!
From news junkies to entertainment seekers to those looking for personal growth and business training…there is certainly something for everyone!
What is a podcast?
A podcast is a digital audio file available on the Internet or as a download to your computer or phone. It’s like a radio show on a topic you care about or love. You choose when you want to listen and you can skip through the advertisements.
For me, my podcast smartphone application is like my TV’s DVR. Once I either hear or read about a podcast, I search for the name on my phone’s Podcast app and listen to one of the recent episodes. If I like the program, I will ‘subscribe’ to it. Then my app knows that I want new episodes automatically downloaded to my device.

My Favorite Caregiving Podcasts
If you are only going to listen to ONE caregiving related podcast…it needs to be mine! The Happy Healthy Caregiver Podcast launched in November 2017 and features Caregiver Spotlight conversations with real family caregivers as well as tips and lessons learned from me as your host.
- Your Caregiving Journey – This is one I like to listen to every Monday because host Denise Brown always starts her show with timely updates and announcements. Some recent topics include: policy updates, balancing caregiving and work, hiring help, writing a caregiving book, and staying positive about money.
- Healing Ties from The Bow Tie Guy – Host Chris MacLellan says ‘wearing a bow tie is like wearing two smiles.’ His nickname is ‘The Bow Tie Guy’. Chris’s show focuses on creating a life that you love, particularly after caregiving responsibilities end.
- The After Life – Host Colleen Kavanaugh’s podcast focuses on conversations with guests who share how they have been transformed after a loss. I never miss a show.
- Dave, the Caregiver’s Caregiver – Host Dave Nassaney and his frequent co-host Adrienne Gruberg interview different guests each week. Click here to listen to the episode where I was the featured guest: Helping Overwhelmed Caregivers Create Balance.
- Happy Healthy Caregiver – When I first put this list together, I didn’t have a podcast but now I do! My podcast focuses on sharing how family caregivers have integrated self-care into their lives.
- Agewyz – Jana Panarites engages with unsung heroes of caregiving as well as experts in the aging field. She has almost 100 archived episodes for you to enjoy.
- Caregivers’ Circle – Host Stephanie Erickson explores the unique and universal issues that all types of caregivers face. Her podcast offers helpful strategies and resources for caregivers.
- eCareDiary Caregiver Radio Shows – This show sets out to empower family caregivers. They offer recordings of live support groups and also share recorded interviews with physicians and experts. Episodes are hosted by Margery Pabst.
- The Aging Boomers – Frank samson, a Certified Senior Advisor, discusses many of the issues facing the aging baby boomer generation.
- A Graceful Journey – Host Lorna Scott helps you find grace, peace, hope, and joy in your caregiving journey. I got to be a guest on her 50th episode. Click here to listen.
I’m sure there are more caregiving related programs out in the universe. If you have one that you enjoy, please share it in the comments.
When to listen to a podcast
I mostly listen to podcasts when I’m driving by myself or driving on long trips with my family who are all either asleep or listening to something on their individual devices.
Occasionally, I’ll listen to a podcast while walking on a track or in my neighborhood however, I usually prefer to listen to music when I’m exercising by myself.
How to get listen to podcasts on your phone
- Find or download your podcast app. I use the iPhone podcast app but I also hear people talk about Stitcher. A good app will have a searchable library of podcasts based on a topic of interest or to find a specific person.
- Use the magnifying glass Search icon to search for topics like ‘caregiving’ or ‘self-care’ or ‘happiness’ and you’ll find several good ones. The search results will return specific entire podcasts that relate to this topic or individual episodes on that topic.
- To the right of a particular podcast episode you want to hear, select the ‘cloud with down arrow’ icon. The cloud symbol indicates you want to download the episode to your phone. Once an episode is downloaded you can listen to it without impacting your data plan. The icon changes to let you know that a data download is in progress and after the download is finished a ‘play’ icon will become available for that episode.
- Once you find you really like a particular podcast, you will want to ‘subscribe’ so that new episodes are automatically downloaded to your device (mine does this when app is open and on WiFi). To subscribe to a podcast, select the podcast (not just an individual episode) from your device and in the podcast header you will see a button to ‘subscribe’.
- At any point if you want to ‘unsubscribe’ follow the instructions in step 4. Where the button used to say ‘subscribe’, it will now say ‘unsubscribe’.
Remember, listening to podcasts right from your computer is also an option.
Take action
- First time podcast listeners – Try the steps above to download and listen to some programs that interest you.
- Seasoned podcast listeners – Share a favorite podcast in the comments below. I’m especially looking for some fun & funny podcasts to add to my list.
- Podcast hosts – Looking for an energized guest for your podcast? Let’s connect! I can expand on topics related to self-care, caregiving, time management, balancing work & family, starting a business, setting goals, and healthy living.
Happy listening & learning!