My Spotify 2021 Wrapped was released this past week which reminded me how much I enjoy year-end reflections and compilations. I’m always drawn to the People magazine year-end wrap-up edition and a good YouTube look back video.
Now I turn that reflective lens to the Happy Healthy Caregiver blog and podcast. These are the 4 blog posts and 4 podcast episodes that were first published during 2021 and accumulated the most page views during the calendar year.
It is so interesting to see what ends up on this list! Sharing these top eight below so you can read or listen to any that you may have missed.

Four Most Popular HHC Blog Posts

Hero Product Review
I enjoy showcasing partners who have products offering family caregivers extra hands and peace of mind. In this post, you'll find a series of videos, where I show you exactly what is included with the Hero system and how to get things set up.

2021 Holiday Gift Guide
Each year, I compile a list to help make your holiday shopping a bit easier. This year's list includes: Gifts that Keep Giving, Gifts for Care Recipients, Gifts for Caregivers, Budget Friendly & Fun, and Free Gifts.

Hello to Full-Time Entrepreneurship!
I started Happy Healthy Caregiver in 2015, while raising kids, working full-time, and caregiving! This post shares about making the decision to resign in May 2021, how HHC started, and what's next.

Mother's Day / Father's Day 2021 Gift Guide
Some of these gifts will bring smiles to a family caregiver and some will bring joy to a care recipient. You know your gift recipient best! Gifts are broken out into categories: including ‘the lovers’ of particular items or activities, gifts for those with cognitive disabilities, self-care, subscription, practical, and free.
Four Most Popular HHC Podcast Episodes
The links to the podcast episodes below will take you to the show notes page where you can listen to each episode. Podcast episodes are also available on your favorite podcast platform, including: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify. You can subscribe to have new episodes appear in your listening queue.

Small Habits Stack Up
In this episode of the Happy Healthy Caregiver podcast, I share how even the smallest habits that you add, subtract, swap, and batch stack up for self-care success. Try on some of these healthy ideas and see if they work for you.

Reflecting Back and Looking Ahead
In this episode I reflect back on 2021 and my 4 years of podcasting and looking ahead to 2022. I talk about my podcasting journey, some highlights from 2021, how I did on my 21 for 2021 list, the Happy Healthy Caregiver Holiday Gift Guide, what my plans are for the holiday season and some initial thoughts for 2022.

Coping with a Lifechanging Caregiving Situation
Meet family caregiver Rachel Davis. Rachel is a volunteer retreat leader with No Barriers USA and a full-time caregiver for her husband Jay. Jay suffered a spinal cord injury during a plane crash. This event completely uprooted their lives. Learn how Rachel is coping and moving forward. Rachel shares what a typical day looks like, where she found her supportive tribes of people, how she receives some pay for her caregiving responsibilities, and how chickens play a role in her self-care.

Caring for Mom & Daughter
Meet family caregiver and author Ann Campanella. For almost fifteen years, Ann cared for her mom who had Alzheimer’s and also cared for daughter who had Celiac disease. In this episode, we talk about Ann’s takeaways from her caregiving years which were sadly also comprised of chronic miscarriages. Ann also shares about her horses being a huge part of her emotional and physical self care, her gluten-free household, keeping the romance in her marriage, the message from above to write her Alzheimer’s memoir and her new book about caring for a daughter with Celiac, an autoimmune disease.
I’m planning my content calendar for 2022 during this next month. Let me know what kind of future posts or podcast episode topics you’d like to see.