Happy Healthy Caregiver is here to support family caregivers and their loved ones. Bookmark this page which contains valuable resource links.
Unfortunately, the resources for family caregivers are fragmented and there is not one place you can tap into everything. Below is my best attempt at giving you an overview of what all is out there. Click on the links and check them out. If they are interesting to you, jump on their email list and follow their social accounts to stay in the know.
I also recommend you join the Happy Healthy Caregiver email list so you never miss an upcoming event, product review, podcast episode, or important article. I do my best to wade through all the caregiving content and shine a light on the good stuff.
The following are commonly referred non-profits and organizations that provide caregiver resources, advocacy, and information:
AARP has a toll-free caregiving support line where call center agents are available to take calls Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. ET at 1-877-333-5885. The support line is also available in Spanish, at 1-888-971-2013.
Courage to Caregivers offers one-to-one caregiver peer support, breathing meditation classes, and support groups. They specialize in offering support and education for family caregivers navigating mental illness.
Atlanta Area Services
Happy Healthy Caregiver’s founder, Elizabeth, facilitates the Atlanta Happy Healthy Caregiver Community (caregiver support group) which meets monthly. On this page, you’ll also find Atlanta area caregiver resources.
Self-Care Support for Caregivers – A Facebook Group to provide you daily self-care tips and encouragement. Receive support from three current or former family caregivers who are Certified Caregiving Consultants.
Caregiver Compensation
The Family Caregiver Alliance offers a state-by-state list of programs. Select your state and then select ‘Caregiver Compensation’.
CaringBridge – Create a free personal website where you can communicate updates, photos, and more about a loved one’s health journey
Several of our Happy Healthy Caregiver partners offer discounts so that you can try out their product to see if their product or service can help.
Check Out Our Community Support & Self-Care Resources
We are no good to anybody if we burn out. Once you get your bearings here, check out the self-care resources specifically curated by family caregivers for family caregivers.
And, while we can do hard things, we don’t need to do them alone. Never fear community support is here.