Happy Healthy Caregiver

I am a Parent of a Child with Special Needs

You are a parent and either caring for a young child or an adult child with special or complex physical or mental health needs. 

Podcast Episodes

Happy Healthy Caregiver Podcast, Episode 196: Forever Caregiving with Kelley Coleman

Forever Caregiving

Kelley Coleman is a California mom to two amazing boys and full-time caregiver for her son with multiple disabilities. She is a feature film development executive turned author and advocate for parent caregivers and individuals with disabilities. Her book draws upon over a decade of experience parenting a child with multiple disabilities In this episode of the Happy Healthy Caregiver podcast we talk about why Kelley treats caregiving like a job, the advantages of not having a formal diagnosis for her son, how to secure the right insurance case manager, the unexpected gifts from their son’s service dog, and how Kelley mitigates sleep deprivation and strives to make caregiving sustainable.

Happy Healthy Caregiver Podcast, Episode 194: Improvising Care with Jennifer Cain Birkmose

Improvising Care

Jennifer Cain Birkmose is a sandwich-generation caregiver juggling the responsibilities of caring for loved ones in two different countries and life stages while employing two distinct caregiving styles. She is also an improv comedian and instructor, with over 25 years of experience in the healthcare industry. In this episode of the Happy Healthy Caregiver podcast, we explore how Jennifer integrates her professional skills into her challenging daily caregiving routine. We also delve into her digital eldercare platform, which provides trusted services to ‘olders’ in Illinois, and discuss her all-star care team that, despite their expertise, still faces the intense demands of caregiving. And, we learn how Jennifer’s mindset and actions help her navigate and stay afloat amidst these pressures.

Happy Healthy Caregiver Podcast, Episode 192 Supporting Caregiving Mothers with Jessica Patay

Supporting Caregiving Mothers

Jessica Patay, a reformed perfectionist and dedicated caregiving mother, provides compassionate support and resources to other moms caring for children with disabilities or unique needs. In this episode of the Happy Healthy Caregiver podcast, Jessica shares how she manages and supports her son Ryan, who has a rare genetic condition called Prader-Willi syndrome, while maintaining her own well-being. We discussed helpful and unhelpful language from friends and family and explored the various ways caregiving mothers can find support through Jessica’s community, book, podcast, and retreats. Jessica also highlights the difference between self-care and self-comfort.


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