Happy Healthy Caregiver

To be or not to be an anonymous blogger – that was the question

Blogging Anonymously

When I first started my Savvy Sandwicher blog earlier this year, I was afraid to announce that I was the author.  I primarily wanted to stay behind the curtain because I wanted to feel complete freedom of speech which meant writing without offending anyone.  I really dislike confrontation.

I lasted about a month before coming out.

To be or not to be an anonymous blogger – that was the question Read More »

What’s better than foreplay? Choreplay!

Staying sane in this busy life and working to enjoy the journey is something I couldn’t do without the help of my husband, Jason.  Like many of you, we often divide and conquer with the kid’s activities, homework, appointments, household responsibilities, etc.  Some weeks I’m crazed and he picks up the slack and vice versa.  We strive for a family rhythm but stuff happens from week to week and we have to adjust

What’s better than foreplay? Choreplay! Read More »

Who’s got the time to be a helicopter mom?

You see those helicopter parents hovering over their kids everywhere basically never letting their kids experience failure and helping them each step of the way.  I know these moms and dads think are doing a good thing but frankly I feel like it is a disservice to their child.  God forbid, what if one of these helicopter parents has a crash crisis landing?  What will happen to these children that have no clue how to fend for themselves?

Who’s got the time to be a helicopter mom? Read More »

I’m unpacking my bags and refusing to take the guilt trip

I’m tough on myself and I hate to let others down.  Guilt is a common emotion for me – truly probably a daily occurrence.  You see, it’s impossible to make everyone happy in a world with so many competing priorities.  Just like an overstuffed sandwich, some wonderful initially desired ingredient is going to slip out and get left behind on the plate or the wrapper.  We can just fit only so much into our mouths or into our day.

I’m unpacking my bags and refusing to take the guilt trip Read More »

Mom says it is best to be seen AND heard

I witnessed a mini miracle this week.  It’s been difficult to get mom to all the specialists she needs to see since my dad passed away seven months ago and we moved mom into her assisted living.  Hearing aids was next on the list.  Part of the reason it’s been a chore to get her to her appointments is that I have a full time job and my appointments and many of my kid’s appointments were set aside so we could help care for mom, dad, and my husband’s mom who passed last December.  Appointments got backed up and oh by the way, I missed a ton of work.  So we slowly chip away at the list.

Mom says it is best to be seen AND heard Read More »

Sharing memories with ‘the besties’, a werewolf, and a few vampires

A few weeks back, my 15 year old daughter got wind of the official Vampire Diaries convention in downtown Atlanta and just had to go AND wanted to gift the experience to her bestie as a birthday gift.  She convinced me it would be fun and that I’d enjoy the convention as well since I have watched all the V.D. seasons and the last few with her…it’s been ‘our show’.  Once I committed to the tickets online and digested the price tag for the general admission one-day pass and a photo op with Stefan and Jeremy’s characters, I really just had to get used to the idea that I was donating one of my full weekend days for the good of two excited girlfriends.

Sharing memories with ‘the besties’, a werewolf, and a few vampires Read More »

Top 10 reasons We Chose Mom’s Assisted Living Community

First, let me start by saying that there is no perfect assisted living.  Afterall, I don’t know of one person who has  chosen to live their twilight years in an assisted living.  The phrase assisted living simply means you have lost partial control of your daily activities.

When we started looking for an assisted living last summer, my dad was in the hospital and we were focused on a place for a couple.  Frankly, we didn’t know the timing or the details, but we were confident that my dad was no longer going to be able to help care for my mom and my brother and that they needed to be closer to family.  

Top 10 reasons We Chose Mom’s Assisted Living Community Read More »

My brother’s best friends are Hooters girls

 I have an older brother (brother #2 out of 3) who is developmentally disabled.  Today is his 52nd birthday and to celebrate he wanted the family to come to his regular hangout – Hooter’s.  When we moved my mom to assisted living last August, brother #2 moved in with brother #3.  Brother #2 enjoys playing Bingo, watching Netflix, and frequents Hooter’s several times a week.  He’s like their Norm from Cheers.

My brother’s best friends are Hooters girls Read More »

How to have ‘the talk’ with your Parents about moving in to an Assisted Living community

The reality is that I had several talks with my parents encouraging them to simplify their lives by downsizing and finding a place where life could be easier for them.

Sadly, I feel that I have been grieving my parents for over a decade.  They had been slowly killing themselves with complications from morbid obesity and diabetes.  It’s been devastating to watch and frustrating to witness the pain their addictions with food and sedentary lifestyles have caused themselves and their families.

How to have ‘the talk’ with your Parents about moving in to an Assisted Living community Read More »

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