Happy Healthy Caregiver

How to lift your mood without a prescription

For me music is a mood lifter. 

It just takes a minute to set the mood.  Usually when people talk about mood music they are referring to setting the mood for an elegant dinner party or an evening of romance.  But, mood music is so much more than just dinner and ‘dessert’.

The right song can shake lack of confidence, put some sparkle in a ho-hum routine, shine light in the remains of a tough day, ignite a happy memory and remind me what I have to be thankful for.

How to lift your mood without a prescription Read More »

I’m positive that attitude changes everything!

Your attitude is a choice

Once, when I was going through a difficult time and didn’t know what direction life would take me, I was told by an acquaintance who had been through a similar rough patch that if you worry and then suffer, you suffer twice.  But, if you don’t worry (and just believe) and still suffer in some way, you would only suffer once.

I’m positive that attitude changes everything! Read More »

Don’t freak out…reach out! Ask for the help you need.

Ask and you shall receive

Guess what I found out recently?  I can’t do it all and I need to ask for help.  I think the key is to ‘ask’ and not ‘expect’ someone to know you need help.  I’ve definitely said to my husband a few times, ‘Why do you wait until I’m spiraling to help?’  His answer is valid when he calmly says ‘I didn’t know you needed help’.  We think as moms we are supposed to do it all and we think other moms are successfully doing it all.  Maybe it’s possible for the short distance but not for the long haul.  I’m one of 6 kids, I watched my mom work non-stop taking care of the house, kids, food, pets, etc.  I also witnessed her burning out.  My siblings and I helped around the house but maybe could have done more and in recent years my dad had admitted that he could have done more to help at home. 

Did you know you have a small army of helpers around you?  Below are eight individuals or groups of people that are willing to offer a helping hand and won’t think any less of you for getting their assistance.

Don’t freak out…reach out! Ask for the help you need. Read More »

Quench your thirst to learn and grow

Are you running on empty?  We’ve all seen examples of busy moms who lose their personal identity sacrificing it all to care for the needs and wants of their families, job, or community. Sometimes we tragically see these moms in the news after they have snapped and  gone off the deep end.  Most of these women probably meant well initially and maybe didn’t realize they were losing themselves along life’s journey.

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Get nuts about your nutrition

Plan and prep tips for healthier eating

So of all of the posts I have written in the Road to Savvy series so far…this category, nutrition, is my struggle.  I really have to work at being consistent with my systems and routines.  I seriously LOVE the way my weeks flow when I have a healthy eating plan. However, it just takes a hiccup like leaving town or having a long tournament weekend to get thrown off.  But that lovely feeling of control over my nutrition keeps me keeping on.

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Commit to be fit

The Road to Savvy #3:  Tips and systems to help you squeeze physical activity in your busy day

In the Road to Savvy #1 you setup or updated your family calendar and hopefully scheduled in your recurring appointments for your fitness.  In Road to Savvy #2, you learned how to be a goal digger and defined some specific personal health goals.

Lace up those sneakers!  Now it’s time to take action!

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Turns out there just might be enough hours in the day

Four Tried and True Time Management Techniques

I have a type A personality and have finally accepted that I can’t change my type.  I love to organize just about anything and I’m constantly looking for ways to improve a process.  In fact, many of these skills comprise what I do for a living as an IT Product Manager.  I get excited in the Container Store and I love to help my friends and family purge a purse and organize a closet.  Remember the show, Clean Sweep?  Loved it!  Years ago I took a Franklin Covey time management class and it was right up my alley.  If organization was a language, I’d consider myself fluent.

Turns out there just might be enough hours in the day Read More »

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