Happy Healthy Caregiver

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10 Journal Prompts to Help Relieve Holiday Caregiver Stress

This post is sponsored by Depend® Brand. All opinions and statements are my own.

Implementing a habit of journaling offers several benefits.

The act of journaling itself is a huge stress reliever. Many mental health counselors encourage keeping a journal because it provides time and space to process and share our thoughts.

Journaling also helps boost creativity. Writing is one form of journaling but doodling and coloring can bring the pages to life. I don’t know about you but when I’m tapping in to the creative side of my brain, I just feel happier.

Your journal also serves as a time capsule. Throughout the pages are your values, memories, people and dreams that make up who you are. Reflecting on past pages demonstrates how you’ve changed and evolved over time. Each journal will remain a treasured keepsake for future generations.

Starting a Daily Journal Ritual

One way to keep personal wellbeing top of mind is to adopt a daily journaling ritual. Applying consistency to your journaling practice will make this good habit stick.

My personal experiences caring for my aging parents and mother-in-law inspired me to write the Just for You: A Daily Self-Care Journal.

My intention for creating this journal was to provide a simple solution to help people (caregivers and non-caregivers) prioritize daily self-care. I personally enjoy journals and have found writing to be so cathartic for me in my caregiving journey. I quickly realized when I am more transparent with my thoughts and feelings, I see myself more clearly.

Self Care Journal

Holiday Stress Buster Journal Prompts

The holiday season is filled with much hustle and bustle. It can feel difficult to carve out any time for ourselves. Yet, this is exactly when it’s even more important to do so. We crave a few moments each day to recharge.

Journaling doesn’t have to take up a huge chunk of time. Even a phrase or sentence a day counts as a journaling practice.

The Just for You: A Daily Self-Care Journal includes prompts so that you don’t have to decide what to write about. Use the lines provided to answer the question or prompt in as many sentences as you want. One is certainly acceptable!

Below are 10 journal prompts you can use this holiday season to just get a taste of journaling.

  1. Even when I’m overwhelmed, stressed or upset, I can’t help but smile or laugh when I see ______________.
  2. My favorite holiday is _______ because _________.
  3. If I could have only one self-care product on a desert island, I’d want it to be ____________.
  4. The current source of my stress is __________.
  5. I could simplify the holiday season and festivities by ____________.
  6. I want to be remembered by my family as _________________.
  7. The sounds I enjoy most include: ________________.
  8. What activity did you do as a child that brought you great joy?
  9. The holiday tradition I look forward to is __________________.
  10. What’s your favorite self-care activity that doesn’t cost a penny?

Consider combining your journal time with a quiet place and a cup or glass of something special and make it a mini-event you look forward to doing. Notice how you feel afterward. Do you feel calmer, happier and energized? If so, keep journaling!

Willing to share your journal prompt answers? Express yourself with a photo on Instagram or Facebook and be sure to tag Happy Healthy Caregiver. I want to encourage you on your journaling journey.

When Writing Isn’t Enough to Cope with the Holiday Stress

Sometimes writing isn’t the only answer. You may feel like you want to talk to someone outside of your family this holiday season.

Perhaps when you envisioned the holidays you didn’t imagine all the messes that you’d be helping to clean up. Caring for loved ones can be draining, especially when certain conditions add on stress, such as incontinence issues. . Reach out to the Incontinence Community on Facebook when you want to escape for a few minutes online and connect with others who understand what you are going through. You’ll find a group of people who can relate to the issue and can offer advice and additional resources on the condition.

Other Holiday Posts and Podcast Episodes:

Holiday Hacks for Family Caregivers Happy Healthy Caregiver Podcast Episode 6 Minimize Holiday Stress 5-calorie-free-holiday-treats

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