Happy Healthy Caregiver

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Announcing the ‘All Things Caregiving’ YouTube Talk Show

We Had a YouTube Channel for Caregivers

In the fall of 2016, my fellow global Caregiving advocate, Carole Brecht (author of The Artistry of Caregiving) connected with me to see if I was interested in creating an inspiring & uplifting Caregiving talk show with her on YouTube. After lots of phone and email conversations, recording nights, behind the scenes prep, and YouTube training…we launched a channel in early 2017!

all Things Caregiving You Tube cohosts

Carole & I originally discovered each other online over two years ago when we both launched our blogs and social platforms focused on helping and affirming family Caregivers who are in the Sandwich Generation. At the time, there were few sites out there focused on family Caregivers and we immediately identified with what we were living through in our own journeys as well as what we wanted to create online. I also featured Carole in this Caregiver Spotlight post.


Late 2017 Update

Consistently producing a weekly show for YouTube was tons of work that wasn’t sustainable for me. Carole is still publishing on the All Things Caregiving YouTube Channel but I have stepped down as co-producer.

I took a break for several months and found that podcasting was something that was more scalable for me while juggling life. After all, I have to practice what I preach and find ways to better integrate life while caring for others.

In November 2017, I launched the Happy Healthy Caregiver podcast. You can find it on your podcast platform of choice or on my website here.Happy Healthy Caregiver podcast episodes on Wednesdays

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